Sunday 27 January 2008

Interesting links

I just came across a couple of interesting YouTube videos which might be helpful in our discussions

The first is a demonstration of how to make Nuno felt

The second is how to tie a Chinese knot:

What do you think?


Gill said...

I hope you think "I could do that". Perhaps you might also avoid having a box of stuff fall over sometime during the film?!

Don't forget our digital cameras will manage short videos, and the docucam will record longer ones.

Stitching with Schnauzer and Siamese said...

I have seen the nuno felt one before..... its Ok.
Firts impressions for The chinese knot ... immediately I thought - was boring visually.... blackboard on a chair ..duh! Also is too small for my poor eyes to see what is happening.

Going back for the rest now.


sara weaving said...

video very useful as a reminder for making nuno and always useful to see another artist's approach to a technique. However a few key pieces of information missing for making successfull nuno felt. Video did not make clear what hard work it is and that luke warm water must be used until the wool fibres and have well and truly felted to the fabric. I tease out my wool fibres to create a delicate fine fabric, which is what I love about nuno felt. In the video it was a bit heavy handed on the wool fibres.

Gill said...

I quite agree. I also thought that whilst the music was jolly and caught my attention, it then became a distraction and could have prevented some from hearing vital pieces of information.

I wondered how she felted that so quickly...some clues as to how to know when it's "done" would have helped IMHO (have visions of some folks rolling it for five mins and thinking "that's it")

And yes, Maggie, I think we need to go LARGE!

Stitching with Schnauzer and Siamese said...

You can tell I prefer to use the embellisher machine ... rather than the wet way. Had assumed any temperature of water would do, and that it only need a short while to become "nuno"... just shows, that it is best to go to a professional!

Still need to play/create with the video aspect of all this.

Best Wishes