Monday 7 January 2008

Introducing myself - Gill

Well, Maggie beat me to it really. I'm Gill, AdEd Curriculum Support person for Art and Craft and a bit of a gadget freak, to be honest. I'm frustrated that, even though we've been promoting all this kit for years, we've trained as eguides, held workshops, lent out equipment and done our best to tempt tutors, I have never, ever observed a tutor using any of it in a normal, everyday class.

I'm determined to change that!
(yes, those are rubber gloves, because I'm a practical sort, you see!)


Stitching with Schnauzer and Siamese said...

They are definitely Barbara Cartland marigolds, Gill. Of more interest what is in the glass?
Best wishes

Gill said...

Gin, Maggie. As if you need ask!