Wednesday 30 December 2009

Sony Camera tip

I love my Sony camera to bits. Really I do. But recently, my (own) Sony camera broke and until Santa Claus could find the time to bring me a new one, I used "my" (AdEd) Sony camera rather more than I generally do. But I couldn't understand why so many of the photos I was taking weren't so good. I've never had problems before and I take A LOT of photographs.

Not only that, but there were surprising videos that I didn't remember shooting.

The mystery was solved when I noticed that, whilst in my bag, that little dial was turning without my realising. Often, I'd take a photograph on a different setting from the "automatic" I intended (the green camera shape) Looking closely at the design of this particular camera model, the dial protrudes ever so slightly and is quite easy to turn. Once I started to check that it was set correctly before snapping my picture, all was well again.

And it's a jolly good excuse for taking a heap of bad photos too ;-)
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