Tuesday 14 July 2009

What would make a difference?

Is there a piece of kit you feel would make a real difference in your classroom? Have you seen something new that you would like to trial? We will shortly be able to put in a bid for further capital equipment so please let me know as soon as possible what would be on your wish list and why. Please a new post on the blog with your ideas.


sara weaving said...

the dongle was potentially brilliant - just didn't work in Littledean - need to get it back to you jane. I am sure that would be a great bit of kit to have on hand.

Anonymous said...

hello Jane

certainly - a dongle would have proved fantastic for the classes I run - as in 2 locations I we have no Internet connection to the laptop - although the students have connection - so it is impossible for me to do demonstrations - or show and tell - unless they all gather around one screen - which just doesnt work. Amanda Cooper.