Monday 19 October 2009

I have recently bought my own dongle after trying out one on loan from AdEd kit. I could immediately see great benefits in this neat bit of equipment - not just for teaching but also for fun. However, so far I have not been able to get it working. I must admit I have not had time recently to spend long on this latest challenge. I wondered if anyone has any tips that I can pick up before I try again.


Gill said...

Sara, my only experience with a (borrowed) dongle was very short because I couldn't get it to work and found an alternative means of getting online (borrowed someone else's!!)

I'm sure there's someone here who can offer something to try. I'll keep an eye open here and if no-one answers will find someone from a bit further away who will have an idea of what to do.

Hang in there!!

Unknown said...

Hi Sara

You usually have to download the software and then register it. Not sure how helpful remote support would be but if you want to bring it in, with your laptop, we will be happy to see if we can get it set up for you. Once that's done it's usually fairly straight forward to use. Let me know.

sara weaving said...

thanks - I have a friend calling round tomorrow morning - so we will have a go - just nice to work it out over a 'cuppa' with someone else! All has been 'on hold' as I have just returned from a fabulous week in France. I will let you know how I get on.