Monday 7 January 2008

Welcome to our Blog!

Was it only this morning that the Curriculum Support team sat around a table filled with exciting goodies (and chocolate biscuits) and declared that the time had come to share our enthusiasm for using our favourite technology in our teaching? Since then, we've got together a gang of new best friends and hope that they too will have fun with digital cameras, laptops, photo printers, mp3 recorders and so on. Not only that, but we hope to share all our ideas and expertise here so that everyone can benefit.

Of course, not everything will be successful. I've already faced the challenge of setting up a new Blogger Account so that you don't all have to read my personal profile every time you visit this "professional" blog. But, in opening a new email account and working my way through, I've learned one or two things - mostly that it's really easy to get things working!

(well, possibly with the exception of an mp3 player...without instructions )

Perhaps the challenge is for each of us to begin by introducing ourselves by posting a little profile, including photograph? Dare I set a SMART objective, or shall I leave that to Alison?

1 comment:

Jane G said...

I made it
Impressed Gill, thanks for sorting this out. Must get on and do some devloping!