Monday, 18 February 2008

Sharing good practice

...or is it pinching someone else's good idea?

This morning I spent time chatting to Julie Smith, one of Alison's colleagues, who is doing some research into tutor training. She asked if she may record our interview and pulled a small digital camera from her bag.

Now, why haven't we thought of using our digital cameras as simple voice recorders? Brilliant idea - and with Julie's permission, I share it here!
Our interview lasted for an hour or so and the camera was unobtrusive. The file will record the date and time of our interview (as long as the camera date/time setting is correct of course!) and is easily saved to disk or hard drive.
It occurred to me that it would be very easy to record a learner's comments alongside a photograph of their work and I intend to give it a try shortly. Watch this space to see what happens....unless you get there first, in which case please share!
I can't find any details in the camera handbook about recording sound, but have experimented using the video mode with the display turned off. The sound quality isn't top-notch but it's good enough for evidence. Your suggestions and ideas would be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

What an idea! Never thought about it. I think it would also work great for recording your own thoughts for the next post (before you forget it), while driving. And, maybe, even a cell phone.
And thank you for mentioning my tutorial on understanding blogs.

lizzie g said...

Hi Gill, That's what I did yesterday, I wanted to record the sounds in the room, the learners' comments as they worked and the tone of my voice. It's a very useful tool for reflection on your own teaching as well as for recording progress and achievement. My next plan is to record the whole session using the docucam, to reflect on the ambience and to observe my own teaching. The joy is no-one but me needs to watch it afterwards! Lizzie