Saturday 21 November 2009

A plea!

It's interesting that Gill's last post, below this one, was titled "What's in a name?". I am currently setting up a course on Moodle for those taking the CTLLS course as we are piloting a new approach and are asking teachers to use e-learning as part of their course. Of course there is so much good practice on the blog that I want to showcase and the best way to do this is to link directly into the post I am discussing. In order to do this I have to be able to click on the Title at the top of the post. So no title - no easy linking. What's in a Name? - the opportunity to share your good practice with your colleagues, through Moodle as well as the blog.

This blog is itself an example of good practice and I know that others in adult education, outside of Gloucestershire, refer their colleagues to our blog - two examples are Sally Betts from NIACE who presented at our recent RARPA event and Tracey Morris from the RSC. So thank you for all your contributions and we look forward to some new contributors from our colleagues on the Initial Teaching Training programme.

2 comments: said...

And yes, Jane, we'll try to behave ourselves and put proper titles on our blog posts and might even aspire to tagging too!

My goodness...what model tutors we will be then ;-)

Anne White said...

Anne White, new to the blog! Have just read this post concerning the elearning element of CTLLS. I am thinking of applying for the next CTLLS course, or if not then the one after, as part of my AdEd ongoing training. However, the e-learning element is something which I need to find out more about, since I am informed by the tutors that Saturday mornings there will be an online session (my problem is whether or not this session is a 'moveable feast' since I work on Saturdays therefore would be unable to fulfil this part of my learning input. If it does work out, it would certainly provide a more convenient (home-based) way of 'attending' tutorials- if I understand this correctly.