Thursday 2 July 2009

What a difference a dongle makes!

This evening I went to my computer course at Forest Road Centre in Cinderford. I had told tutor Amanda about the 'dongle' for using where there is no internet connection. It is brilliant, but at the moment I can't get it working at the Littledean venue. I am told it is the weakness of the signal and others have experienced the same problem. However, never to give up, I took it to Amanda's course last week and it worked fine in Cinderford. Amanda's learners were very interested in this technology and we shared ideas on how it could be used. Although the learners' computers are connected to the internet, the computer Amanda uses (laptop) to project worksheet etc. onto the board is not connected to the internet, so teaching internet skills is quite tricky. This week Amanda borrowed the 'dongle' and the feedback form learners and Amanda was a 'passionate' - "this has made such a difference". It is a brilliant piece of kit. Learners had a good look at the flickr site and left a comment below one of my learner's pictures.


Unknown said...


Am so pleased that this new piece of kit is making a difference. I was talking to Karen Bilous yesterday about how we might fund some more of them - so more anon. It would be interesting to see how long the £15 credit lasts so please could you keep a rough record of when and for how long you use it.

Unknown said...

PS it's a shame it doesn't work in Littledean