Monday 6 October 2008

Worth all the bother (?)

Sometimes, the prepping and planning for a teaching session seems more bother than it's worth, don't you think? My work today involved just the odd bit of paraphernalia - just five bags, two boxes, a sewing machine and a laptop. I'll admit, at times I felt that was five bags and two boxes too many.

I decided to use laptop, projector, docucam, speakers...needed extension lead and screen too. Samples and sewing machine, paperwork and other kit filled the boot of the car completely. Setting it up took a while - of course, you knew the room would be upstairs, didn't you? - and the wire spaghetti around my end of the table was such a trip hazard I banned everyone from that side of the room.

Was it worth it?

You bet!

The expressions on the faces of the participants in my workshop were priceless, for this is a group not noted for making best use of technology. However, they embraced the whole shebang with enthusiasm and the evaluation comments made particular reference to "that great camera for showing details" and one said how she "loved all the computer stuff".

What did I do? I was teaching craft judges who normally work in village shows and used the comments of the Strictly Come Dancing judging panel as examples. We had recorded a short clip from the programme and included it in the powerpoint presentation I used during the day, complete with (loud) music, thanks to the speakers (which are excellent). The whole thing was contained on a memory stick and I had nothing to do but click the mouse button to get it all running smoothly. Worked a treat! Later, I used the docucam when we were discussing the finer points of the "competition entries" and found it so much easier than passing the things around.

Even more interesting was the discussion which followed, about the potential of using laptops and other kit. This group are ready, willing and able to take this further and I fear will be disappointed if I don't come up with something equally surprising next time. Ideas on a postcard, please!!

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