Saturday 17 May 2008

Questions questions

Following Jane's report of her meeting in Leicester yesterday, I had a couple of emails with links to follow. I enjoyed browsing a new site or two, especially one about Web 2.0 which enables us to use all of these great networking sites like Flickr, YouTube and Blogger amongst others (see above) You might spot Ning (mentioned in Jane's previous post) in there too.

Then today I followed another link and in a rather spooky coincidence, found an article attributing the rise in interest and participation of young women in sewing and knitting to Web 2.0 amongst other things. Click here to read it for yourself. My own experience with online communities supports this and I'm working on several projects inspired by websites I've found in the blogs I read.

Would you agree that the development of our ability to use technology effectively is promoting traditional skills at the same time?
What do you think might happen if you set up a group exclusively for your learners? If your group shared ideas and experience with another group doing similar activities - in much the same way as we are doing here? Don't you think there is potential for much excitement in all of this - or am I just a sad person who spends far too much time sitting at my computer?!

Don't answer that!

1 comment:

lizzie g said...

It would be fabulous if learners living in different areas studying the same topic could set up groups, so many ideas and resources could be shared. In most groups of adults you get one or two who use the internet often. I think it would be important to keep the balance right, to make sure not too much classroom time was spent on discussing the use of the internet. And to remember how many learners are not computer literate. I'm still learning loads and sometimes I feel I know very little, compared to most 16 year olds I know next to nothing!
But yes it's a fabulous resource,
there's so much out there on the internet, I've just had a look at the sewing/dressmaking DIY link Gill, a great read, thanks for the information, I'm tempted to join but shall leave it, for now anyway!