Sunday 18 May 2008

Technical help again please!

I've made a Power Point Presentation (PPT) and short film with text using Movie Maker. Feeling pleased with myself I was eager to post it to the Blog. They wouldn't let me! When I tried to upload the PPT I was told "There were errors during upload. Your image is corrupt or is in an unrecognised format". The PPT's in My Documents and the video's in Videos. When I tried to upload the video I was told to contact Help with the Blog ID and video ID that they gave me. I haven't contacted them, am going to leave it now and deal with it when I've had some advice! If it wasn't for this Blog I'd have given up a while ago!


Gill said...

Lizzie, I don't think a ppt. file is recognised by Blogger, sadly. Jane was trying to help Rob upload his Three Little Pigs presentation, without succcess.

Perhaps you can simply upload the video bit for the time being?

In the meantime, we'll try to work out what to do. It's all a bit technical for me!

But you can relax - it's not you, it's Blogger which can't manage. You are infinitely capable!

aleksandra said...

Lizzie, Gill is obviously right- you won't be able to upload any PP presentation here. I tried last time,with the quizz- didn't work, so I made the video that you could watch here.
Looking forward to seeing yours!

lizzie g said...

Thanks for encouragement Gill and Aleksandra. I've uploaded a couple of the video clips any way, I'm going to tackle sorting out what I got wrong another day!